Tag: true

Life events: a test of naivety
Don't think? Believe? Hope? Events in people's lives that they look forward to happen for validation. Few people learn from mistakes......

Truth in conversation
In conversation, truth is born... That's the conventional wisdom. Any problem, dispute or confusion finds a solution if we discuss the source, causes and...

No amps, though.
Several times already I have lost an important and profound thought that I would like to speak about... Just a few minutes and that's it -....

Choices: living on the edge
We sink so deep into a person that we think we can no longer find our way to the shore or whatever it is that....

Words, respect, truth
Сегодня был дождь… Капли по лужам… Ветер, солнце и много-много красивых облаков. Красивых как слова, которым ты веришь, но за…

The search for truth: doubts and perspective
Or maybe it's just an excuse? Trying to justify themselves, to cling to some imaginary argument? It's hard or just, right...