Tag: instrument
Me, too.
If you imagine the snow melting in reverse as each ice flake fuses with the other... they get thicker, their bond gets stronger....
The power of words
And you know, there are certain conventions and formats. For quite some time now I've been against the notions of "norm", "right", "good", etc. - everything.
Results and disappointment
I can't remember a single job I've done where I've been completely satisfied with the result. Those little things that only I see are very triggering,....
Values are the key to relationships
Values. It's not the first time I've caught myself thinking that this is a critically important topic. The surest hook that can hold you ...
Journey into the world of jazz: discoveries and laughter
Continuing to learn about life through #HeSelf, tried it and realized that #jazz is not my thing! I'm sure there are some in the genre (as....
Одно Желание: Путь к Счастью
Желания. За эти четыре минуты три заезды. Практически каждую минуту ты можешь загадывать желание! Зачем много желаний, если достаточно лишь…