Tag: хобби
/ Thoughts
Self-realization and Art: Inspiration and Challenge
Authorship. I was raising the issue of self-actualization and the cause that one enjoys not for something, not out of the principle of "need", but that....
/ Thoughts
Choosing a niche: from hobby to business
Often enough we too the phrase, "stop working for your uncle" for each of us to consider starting or running our own business....
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Day of Silence: the importance of shutting down
I remember having a "Day of Silence" for myself a few years ago...it could go on for two, three days and even a week....
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Скука и самореализация
Отовсюду слышно про то, что людям скучно. Да-да… и эта тема не нова в моей ленте. А самое удивительное для…
/ Thoughts
Возрождение блога
У каждого есть привычки, о них я уже рассуждал тут совсем недавно. Но есть ли у каждого своё увлечение? Хобби,…