Tag: characterization

01.10.2023 / Thoughts
Timeless substance: choose and capture!
Time flies faster than any # waterfall. Steadily, irrevocably, and no obstacle can stop it. That which cannot be held...

07.09.2023 / Thoughts
The magic of simplicity
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Is it? Among others in my phone are these shots, obviously taken at the moment of feeling...

28.12.2020 / Thoughts
Simplicity is the best mechanism
I saw the movie "Tesla" yesterday and, going forward, I can give my assessment of the movie, which I was not impressed with. A solid 3 out of...

05.05.2019 / Thoughts
Between edge and flight
A very unclear feeling inside me, like a thread is being stretched... It's like I'm slowly coming to the edge of a high cliff and there's a cliff about to drop off where....