Tag: gadget
Infinite time
Time. Things are sticking one to another, forming the day into one dense tangle of event threads. It is impossible to divide the day into some...
Использование телефона
Удивительно насколько нерационально люди используют свои гаджеты… что ж далеко ходить – телефон. Сегодня это тот гаджет, который, пожалуй, минимально…
Consistency and quality in product selection
Interesting thing, but for some reason I've been a proponent of sticking to one brand of whatever for quite some time now. It all started, I guess.
Gadget repair: software vs modular
And here's another story to follow up on the previous post. About the cost! An example in favor of my assumption... This is #SamsungNP300, so by me not....
Comparing gadgets: a new form factor
Probably someday... though no. Even I'll live to see this phone and form factor turn out to be just history. And today, this--
The power and versatility of ThunderBolt3
Strangely, for some reason I write too little about IT from above: software, gadgets and technology in general. Not too long ago, I discovered...