Tag: phrase

28.12.2020 / Thoughts
Simplicity is the best mechanism
I saw the movie "Tesla" yesterday and, going forward, I can give my assessment of the movie, which I was not impressed with. A solid 3 out of...

24.12.2020 / Thoughts
Choosing a niche: from hobby to business
Often enough we too the phrase, "stop working for your uncle" for each of us to consider starting or running our own business....

16.12.2020 / Thoughts
The ability to lose and not change decisions
There is one problem in me - not knowing how to do it. In 2013, I came across the phrase, "learn to lose people like ten pennies,...

11.12.2020 / Thoughts
Humor: specifics and reactions
Humor is a subtle and very specific field. What brings a smile to some, to others - a set of words, a phrase. Not every viewer and...

27.01.2019 / Thoughts
The meaning of words and phrases over time
Years later, and the experience gained during that time, you begin to perceive the meaning of words and phrases differently. They take on a different coloring,...