Tag: photo

Memories and missed opportunities
Just a week... two years ago, a vacation lasted only 3-4 days, and it was also a train ride. Why and why so...

The sincerity of portrait photography
Portrait Photo. Sometimes you really want to make a photo with a person in the frame, because the beauty of a person in his external uniqueness. A very small ...

Coincidence: Mi Smart LED and my blog
Amazing coincidence! Relatively recently I started resurrecting my blog, with posts dating back as far as 2014. Some things remain interesting, and some ....

The euphoria of the moment
Every now and then I like to flip through my feed, observing who and what was back then... And there you are right there.....

Filters of modernity and photography
Modern life is full of "filters" and I've talked about this before. Notice that there are fewer and fewer of those who ardently put forward ....

Winter's purity and sincerity
My mind fogs up, my twists twist into knots, but... it's a temporary phenomenon, like everything else in the mundane life. But, uh.