Tag: rain

28.06.2019 / Thoughts
Summer reflections
Time to summarize the first month of summer. Well... moods changed like the weather, news appeared like the sun from behind clouds and clouds....

23.06.2019 / Thoughts
Time and inner comfort
When all your thoughts gather in one heap, coming into conflict with principles and desires, it becomes very dark. Disappears…

01.06.2019 / Thoughts
Awareness and the minutiae of life
Sooner or later everything comes to a limit... Bursting, evaporating, disappearing, letting go... No experience inside you will yield results in plus....

22.04.2019 / Thoughts
Words, respect, truth
Сегодня был дождь… Капли по лужам… Ветер, солнце и много-много красивых облаков. Красивых как слова, которым ты веришь, но за…

06.01.2019 / Thoughts
Winter Murmansk
My favorite and uniquely natural city... It's about to be February frost on the doorstep, but today it's raining. If in December I and...