Tag: trust

17.06.2021 / Thoughts
Honesty in relationships
People to people. Person to person... who do you see in front of you and how soon do you realize your attitude towards him? Does it seem, ah...

08.11.2020 / Thoughts
Idealization of man: myth or reality?
Does the phrase "wound straight to the heart" really apply? To what extent can one trust without looking back and overlook the obvious....

07.08.2020 / Thoughts
Values and perception
The topic of values... and yet how multifaceted is man, or rather his thinking. What for one person is a truism, for another - a mystery.....

27.03.2019 / Thoughts
Cognition through time and deeds
They say you can tell the age of a tree by the rings on the cut. They also say that to know a person you have to divorce him or....