Tag: desire

One Wish: The Path to Happiness.
Wishes. In those four minutes, there are three heats. Practically every minute you can make a wish! Why make many wishes when just one is enough....

Life on the move
I think I'm sick. I think I picked up this virus on the plane back from Moscow. Very strange.

The power of words and their influence
I didn't realize that "words through the mouth" was such a popular phraseology. With words we can explain, suggest and guide! Words can do many things and...

Я хочу быть…последней женщиной…
Совсем. Чувство полного и абсолютного принятия, веры в человека. Нет обстоятельств… вернее их может быть несчётное количество, но они лишь…

Farewell, last rays
Counting days of the last rays of the #sun we will soon say goodbye to, but only for a couple months... or less. All in good time.

Now, if only then.
We curse the past, do not know the future and are dissatisfied with the present... This is probably the key. I mean, where would the "if only..." come from?