Tag: day

A life of color: heartfelt moments
Something naively childlike, to the point of amazement simple and kind, to the point of toenail sincerity, lightness... something that we see at a distance, where....

A three-day vacation...
A day off... just one day, not even 24 hours. More than once I have raised the topic of boredom, sincerely amazed and amazed at those who manage to...

Start or rest? Pauses, new life
Every time you have a chance to go to bed early, there are things to do or activities to distract you from the road to the "kingdom" .......

Time and fickle thoughts
Time is irretrievably floating away right before your eyes. Inevitably, the day you add a year to your life, you remember yourself n years ago. Today you...

Meta blocking: serious or noise?
Really? But first I want to talk about the beautiful Sunday afternoon... The day was sunny and full on events and experiences. Bottom! 🤣...

Today has distinguished itself... Twice! This will never happen again... There was 02:02 and 02:20 and 02:22... And the evening time of this format....