Tag: case

Functionality and satisfaction
It is very tasty to do my own business, I feel at ease. Every time I face the issue of staffing, functionality and motivation. Why...

Choosing a niche: from hobby to business
Often enough we too the phrase, "stop working for your uncle" for each of us to consider starting or running our own business....

Murmansk: it's getting crowded
I love Murmansk very, very much! But the small city is turning inward... it becomes crowded and extremely uncomfortable to turn around, to be.....

Why you need alone time
Sometimes it's worth taking a pause...sit down on a bench and take a break. Let go of thoughts and deeds. Clear your head of everything and everyone. To be.

The beauty of sincerity
Doing something for nothing... It's so cool when you find yourself needed. Even if you're not good at something, your...

A picture of dots: life and relationships
...and it's all about the little things. You and I always see the big picture... from the outside... from a distance. The big picture consists of.