Tag: цвет
It's time to notice
They see everything! Amazing creatures that can see the pattern on your socks, the color of your watch bracelet, a crumpled sleeve and, most incredibly....
Energy source: choose your own
A source of energy. You know, and any movement has a cost. And if such seems to be native, which in some sense costs negligible,.....
The Exceptional Delight of Painting
#BetterToSee. I really realized #However, I really love paintings. I didn't realize until last what #Fabergé was and what the beauty of...
Рисовать – здорово!
Мой новый опыт! Впервые в сознательном возрасте взял в руки кисточку. Уж и забыл, когда ручкой-то что-то писал, а тут…
Samplers of life: choosing the best
"You can wash with your Effaclar wash before bed and apply the cream from the Histomer trial. Tomorrow when you wake up, same steps." Samplers......
Bright moon and northern lights
A month ago, even with a larger CR index #Northern Lights were not so clear. Today the sky is absolutely clear - not a single cloud....