Tag: feelings

Природа: настоящее и иллюзия.
Настоящее. Оттого я и люблю природу, что при любом настроении она настоящая. Ну не кажется и она не хочет казаться….

Feelings behind the scores: the point of no return
Ранги, статусы, рейтинги, баллы, даты, килограммы, сантиметры и суммы… Множество метрик, которыми мы оперируем при выборе, а ещё чаще –…

Role selection and the value of emotions
Open. You know, it's impossible to offend a person. The whole point is that he himself chooses the right (favorable)...

Subjective perception.
Subjectivity and a matter of perception. It's amazing how everything and always is not one-sided....humor that is tested on someone after all, to one it seems.....

A special spring: new opportunities
Once again, change happens in the spring. Every time I find a reason for it: spring is the birth of something new. Except that "new" isn't...

Intertwined fingers: our love story
Time runs only forward and in the course of life we meet different people, experience different emotions: we worry, suffer, love, laugh ...