Tag: человек

Giving kindness
I have not and am not ready to accept the phrase "giving to people". Such words in my mind border on self-interest. If you don't...

Living without masks: the path to reliability
I've noticed more often that people are trying harder and harder to be themselves - who they are. To live without masks...

Honesty in relationships
People to people. Person to person... who do you see in front of you and how soon do you realize your attitude towards him? Does it seem, ah...

Start with yourself
The cause, source and object of many "problems" and grievances is the same person - you. more than once I have said,....

Natural versus artificial
Well sorry... Yes! The tape layout won't allow you to see what you've done, but yes, I have removed the elements that annoy me from the frame. The world is not...

The nucleus of life: cube or circle?
People are like # rainworms wriggling into old age. Why? In the case of the worm, it is understandable, but why should a person seem,...