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Ilya Anisimov
Front-end Development
Soft/Hard Repair
  • City:
  • Age:
    41 years old
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  • Kids:
Microsoft 365
  • Personnel management
  • Staff training
  • Sales techniques
  • Cash discipline
  • Inventory

Tag: человек

Steering together: the power of mutual understanding
23.06.2022 / Thoughts
Steering together: the power of mutual understanding

If the #sun is shining, then someone needs it... Needs it... Needs to find a place, as I said above. And the previous post is closely overlapping,.....

Finding 'Your Place': Happiness in yourself or in others?
20.06.2022 / Thoughts
Поиск ‘Своего Места’: Счастье в себе или в другом?

Зачем что-то, зачем человеку кто-то… почему человек всегда и всем недоволен, а радость и чувство удовлетворения так скоро сходят на…

Doubts about the justice of life
07.04.2022 / Thoughts
Doubts about the justice of life

Is it really so? Is this really what man was born to do? Could it be that this is a universal deep misconception? People say, "Life is not...

Doldrums or mood waves
21.02.2022 / Thoughts
Doldrums or mood waves

Man is an amazing creature. What does mood depend on? And can it be controlled and regulated? You don't have any special problems: well...

Human dependency
21.02.2022 / Thoughts
Human dependency

And how dependent are we really on others? Who are these others? Who are we looking for? What are the rules of the game and is it a game…

Mood color: the gradient of life
18.02.2022 / Thoughts
Mood color: the gradient of life

Man is an amazing creature. You don't have any special problems: a well-paid job, a car, an apartment and a lot of nice acquaintances with whom you...

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