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Ilya Anisimov
Front-end Development
Soft/Hard Repair
  • City:
  • Age:
    41 years old
  • Education:
  • Family:
  • Kids:
Microsoft 365
  • Personnel management
  • Staff training
  • Sales techniques
  • Cash discipline
  • Inventory

Tag: человек

Right now is your chance!
02.09.2023 / Thoughts
Right now is your chance!

"there's always better"... Still.... No! I don't want to stop and I won't stop! You know, you're gonna have to stop, and it's gonna be...

The mystery of places without people
18.08.2023 / Thoughts
The mystery of places without people

Little water. The waves have a special power. The rocks have a special beauty. The horizon has a special mystery. Where there are no people... where the sun is warm.....

Just days until the polar day sets.
17.07.2023 / Thoughts
Just days until the polar day sets.

We are just days away from the end of the polar day. Sunsets of unimaginable beauty are ahead! #Wanted. In search of a new sunbathing spot...totally! Found! Fulfilled,...

Extra people. My own people.
06.05.2023 / Thoughts
Extra people. My own people.

QUESTION: Superfluous people. Own people. Having heard a similar formulation once a few months ago, I was astonished. Of course, © "a matter of perception" to which...

Just being
26.04.2023 / Thoughts
Just being

Changes. My inquisitive brain won't leave me alone, continuing to endlessly analyze and correlate the series of events and my perception of the c...

Sleep and make time
10.04.2023 / Thoughts
Sleep and make time

Being normal. On the insulin topic, there was a phrase that a normal person goes to bed tonight and wakes up tomorrow. Hmm.

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