Tag: человек

Thoughts and fate: illogical paths
It's the thought materials, isn't it? Why so quickly and why these particular ones? Maybe we determine the order and necessity of the first ones....

Ease of dialog
Wow, and it happens when you can have a surprisingly easy and free dialog with a person you don't know absolutely....

Spring and experience: rebirth and knowledge
# ice breaks, feelings melt, people leave, hope is lost. But spring comes, families are built, children are born and grow. To be reborn formally -...

Silence and understanding
Today I was reminded of the silence and the feelings it gave me. Those conclusions and evaluations, about the importance of people who...

The meaning of words and phrases over time
Years later, and the experience gained during that time, you begin to perceive the meaning of words and phrases differently. They take on a different coloring,...

As in one of the beautiful poems by a wonderful author... The truest way to keep warm... A hug! #The ice hugged the branch so tightly that...