Tag: человек

Habit is a terrible thing!
What seems strange is what is unaccustomed... and yes, that's what I talked about this past year too. Elemental attention and little surprises.....

A new life: suddenly
Tomorrow will be better... We look for reasons and excuses for ourselves to start a "new" life. We wait for a particular day, a new week, a month, a year......

Arrogance and ignorance in society
Oh, Gods! And here you are on the 17th floor... above everyone else and looking down on others. You're obviously smarter, more experienced.

The essence of sincerity
I have lost the ability to think, compare and evaluate, completely devoid of frames, boundaries and rules. Sincerity and goodness in the direct form of people today.....

"Life is not an easy thing."
Is it worth looking back? The conclusions of the past will not always work in the present. Fear of making mistakes without taking steps towards....

Энергия жизни: характер и эмоции
What happens to us is a reflection of how we approach life. A person from the moment of birth is given a character and...