Tag: watch

15.08.2021 / Thoughts
Worn Kenneth Cole
A wonderful invention... # watches. Not only to find out the time or the date, but also... now a huge number of smart watches,...

08.08.2021 / Thoughts
Best for the individual
I talk about comfort often and a lot. I also miss too many thoughts that should have been saved for post topics....

19.07.2021 / Thoughts
Walking the Edge of the Earth
You say time flies by in the blink of an eye. Oh yeah... 12 hours flew by in the blink of an eye! Okay, let's not exaggerate, because it took about four....

27.04.2020 / Thoughts
Redundancy and sincerity
A world of overabundance, excess and broken values. Cars that are over 300 km/h and cost over $ 1 million... why? At...

31.03.2020 / Thoughts
The unpredictability of a birthday
And birthdays have positive aspects. This time I received about 3-5 congratulations in addition to congratulations from family members. Surprisingly,...