Tag: price

31.05.2020 / Thoughts
Different perspectives on one thing
In reality things have different value, meaning, essence... it all depends on how one looks at those things. There are. Dreamers, optimists.

28.06.2019 / Thoughts
Synergy of quality and technology
And again to past topics, which I have already touched upon. Now I will touch on quality again, but not in a detached sense.....

05.04.2019 / Thoughts
Human value
How wonderful things are, they have a clear price...well, or limits to it. How much are people worth? Everyone has a price.

21.02.2019 / Thoughts
Bright skies and well-deserved moments
It's getting farther and farther into the evening. Already at 18 you can still see the bright sky and it's beautiful. Spent a little more time.....

05.06.2018 / Thoughts
Quality issue
Life without gadgets or other appliances, household items, clothes and in general everything that can be bought today does not seem...