Tag: squirrel

Squirrels and skis: spring landscape
No redheads, no gray...and today I was unable to observe any squirrels at the now so popular spot. Apparently # spring....

Running squirrels and treats
Life is movement, and movement in life is a real pleasure! That's why # squirrels are the happiest of creatures. The only time when...

Enchanting creatures! From red charms to squirrels in Murmansk
Adorable creatures! From the "stinging" clouds to these ginger charmers! It's amazing how skillful nature is, how marvelous life is, how beautiful... #MeBeBeautiful! Already...

Winter animals: squirrels and their closet
As the saying goes, #WinterBlizko. I don't remember seeing such a cluster of # squirrels in one place. A lot of people are already halfway through their winter clothes, a...

Белки: Дикое очарование
Белки. Восхитительные создания! Вообще животные – особая прелесть этого мира. А я ведь так и не побывал (пока) в приличном…

Squirrel encounter: an unexpected twist
Spring... Oh! It's already summer, and I still can't believe it. Its first days were not the warmest, not...