Tag: balance

When "must" becomes too much
But this “must” is really pressing… Necessity, missed opportunity, potential benefit in the future – so many “possibles”…

Balance and change
A slip up, a misstep when it didn't happen ... but here's why, under conditions of universal balance, do such slips happen in couples? In one ...

Winter beauty: snow on the branches
The very fluffy trees that I had a chance to get to. It's not the first day the city is covered with snow and, in general, I want to...

Doubts and choices
Doubt and choice. Is this opportunity to doubt and choose so good and wonderful? Why do you want to earn more and....

Spring: balance and change
# spring is good, but there's something depressing about it for me. Drowning, floating away, or disappearing, leaving everything behind....

Balance of objectivity
Where is that balance of objectivity, when you don't burrow into yourself in search of reasons for disagreements and misunderstandings? Indeed, there is a lot about you...