Tag: accident

Lying and self-deception: the dangers
Lying. The complex concept of a lie, however, like any other, looks and is perceived differently. The keeper and the recipient see it differently.....

The miracle of life and history
The world is changing at such a pace and scale that I don't think it's possible to predict the future. The older I get, the more I realize...

Insurance issues
Despite the fact that I'm in self-isolation mode, it's very hard without a steering wheel. This is the first time this has happened... even though I don't get hit often.....

Friday the 13th and traffic chaos
If there are superstitions, today is the day for many to believe in #Friday13. The weather is hell on the windows....

Traffic and cardio hell
I've never seen anything like this before... it's just absolute hell on the roads. Four lanes turning into two lanes, into they--

Crash season: good luck and bad luck
For the past year now, something related to traffic accidents has happened to me during the changing days of the year. If 3 years ago I found myself...