Tag: fall

The blizzard of emotions and the fragility of fall
The day has blown by in a blizzard...I'm still wobbly and don't feel confident in moving. If one thing tells me--

Accelerating along the rails of fall
For the second day in a row I'm on the road, non-stop work to... finally confidently walking the rails only increasing my speed. #apatity...

The autumnal character of nature
The emotions that you get from nature in summer are certainly different than they are now. After all, in summer you are warmed by the sun and blown by a warm wind, the feeling of...

Autumn reflections and changes
One by one the leaves are turning yellow...falling off. Do we lose something this fall? Do we walk away, leaving something that is not ours... staying with life.....

Sunsets and fall coffee
A true Indian summer and more than perfect weather, if only for one "but" - a wind cool enough to walk without...

September's changes
The sad side of # Autumn in Murmansk is fickle weather. This is the time when you can wear light-colored pants and a white T-shirt in the morning,...