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Ilya Anisimov
Front-end Development
Soft/Hard Repair
  • City:
  • Age:
    41 years old
  • Education:
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  • Kids:
Microsoft 365
  • Personnel management
  • Staff training
  • Sales techniques
  • Cash discipline
  • Inventory

Сила малого


How close is your comfort level to what little you value really! There's a # sunset ahead...unequivocally! Everyone! Everyone! No matter how or what you do. Then why are you doing what you're doing now? Denying yourself in favor of rules and doubt, enduring and waiting in the name of hope... Your desire has infinitely more power when it comes from the heart. Such a desire has no options, no doubts and even less alternatives. Such a desire is formulated permanently in every letter and comma. Why don't you want it?

Playing snowballs and making a snowman or a new-body Cruze? To hunt for the northern lights and feed squirrels with cookies or wait for the order of a new bag, or maybe shoes? Getting high from the sight of a sunset and drowning in goosebumps from a sincerely warm hug or visiting a new five-star? It seems that one complements the other perfectly, or at least converges in its level of pleasure, but.... you are still the one who will choose only one. Why? Because the unattainable is more valuable. And the craving for endless possession leads to the abyss, where there are no desires that move you, that reveal you as a human being.

You are once again "stale" having once gotten your wish. You are depressed again and look negatively at the people around you. You look for reasons, for blame... why is it like this? What is absolute happiness? What is freedom? What is love? How many dozens or even hundreds of components are there in these concepts? You find out again and again that you lacked only one thing before the absolute... having gotten it, you get sad again - "no, not that, that's not how I wanted it". Again and again... this endless relay race in the opposite direction.....

Except you can't see the sunrise without the sunset. So think about what you get... it is the result of your actions. Rotten potatoes are not the fault of you for flooding them while they are ripening, growing. Giving a lot does not mean giving the right thing. Although people today have too little of everything...the consumer generation reigns supreme. Alas, the outcome is the same... So I wish you that I wish myself - to find the one less thing that will make you absolutely happy!


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