Movement is life! And here I am again on the road... just like I once wanted to be. Yes, yes... the desire to ride a train to the sound of the wheels. There's something about it - a kind of romance. Just three hours and you're there, which is enough time to enjoy the ride.
But this flight is noticeably longer and we have to listen to the snoring and slurping of passengers. For me it still remains amazing that people, even at six in the morning, having sat down in the car, proceed immediately to unwrap the bags with food and begin to brew "BPshki". How???? 🥺🤦♂️ Can't you eat before you travel if you're that hungry? But here's what I thought... most likely these people don't even want to eat, just... it's just some kind of tradition in their minds.
Everything is good within reasonable limits and less is better. Train rides are proof of that.
🤣🤣🤣🤣 This is Russia, baby.