I was sure that people don't change... And even now, I'm probably not inclined to change my mind. However... Do we look for a reflection of ourselves, a kindred spirit, in people? Hardly... Would it really be interesting to live side-by-side with a copy of ourselves? I doubt it!
No, a person does not change, but he definitely becomes different even for himself, when he opens up to a person... And only when it is real. And real only to the one who is sincere with him. With whom, who does not seek benefits from you. Who smiles in the eyes... for a long time, for no particular reason. For whom you are just a good person. Who hugs, kisses suddenly and is able to evoke tears and then a smile, laughter.
It's nice to know that you don't have to be someone, anything, to make someone genuinely like you. On the other hand, it's great that in any other situation, people just quickly fall away.
How great it is to be yourself! Try it!