Let's talk. Taking responsibility for words and actions. Is it only a man's responsibility? Oh yes, girls tend to change their decisions, because many of them were made under a certain mood. And then, the moment of answer comes suddenly.... "No, that's not really the case, I don't want to, I don't think so."
This is just fine! Seriously. This is just awesome, this is one of the manifestations of "girlishness". And yes, an additional burden of responsibility for your words.
What about the decisions, words and emotions of others? Should we be responsible for them? Feel guilty? Be proud? Assess? Well, perhaps, only if we see our benefit in this. Since 2010 I have known that it is impossible to offend a person. And in itself, it is only one of the ways of manipulation. The aspects, factors and options of the conditions of this “offense” are too extensive, especially in those conditions where there is a common trigger.
One way or another, sooner or later, we make a decision ourselves. Our decision with responsibility #For Ourselves. Because we want, because we can, because we have!
A decision not in one's favor can only be made in conditions with children, as it seems to me. But the best that children have should receive the best at the moment when they want it here and now.
It is worth and necessary to think about others, but it is only worth sharing experience and knowledge with others. Let your happiness (it is in a moment) be with you. Try to hold it in your arms as long as possible. Tomorrow will be a new day, where happiness will most likely acquire a new appearance. And here again you have the opportunity to grab hold of it, so that this day will remain happy for you.