All of life is in filters and getting to the truth can sometimes be impossible. Everyone has their favorite color. Why this one? Ha! It's like with "want" or "don't want"... sometimes there are no answers to very simple questions. Say, "I don't want strawberries".... why? I just don't want it... not even because you are fed up or don't like it for any possible reason, but just because. You just like yellow, blue, red, black or any other color. That's exactly the kind of "wanting" or "liking" that is honest. That's how it would be in life and relationships.
It seems to me that in a person's head a path to the past is created unconsciously and very quickly, where once an event with this color gave him the first superdose of endorphin, adrenaline or euphoria. But it is fine when unconsciously, because in life a person builds this path deliberately projecting actions, words, appearance and behavior of people on others. Only fortunately, everything is different even in its simplicity and similarity. Alas, there is no universal remedy for man.... Like the leaves of # maple have a seemingly yellow color, but its shades are a great variety. Even goodness is viewed cautiously by some, and by some is not accepted at all.