Find your place. We change jobs, addresses, cities, people, who to go through life in search of our place... Constant movement and fuss exhaust us mentally and sooner or later you stop to look around, catch your breath and take a deep breath before a new dash... when suddenly the desired event happens. Why not right away, why now?
I once faced the situation when the desired comes true too late. But what is it for at the moment when it ceases to be such? In my opinion, this is just a lesson... here is what you really don't need. Get it now and understand it. If you got it then, life could have changed and perhaps not for the better, because today you no longer have that need for the desired.
The ability to use what life gives you in time and correctly is wisdom. But how we sometimes envy risky people who break plans, rules and time frames.
Happy is he who was able to find his place in life as quickly as possible... ahead of him is an ideal life without malice, envy, resentment and boredom. One where there is no need to prove, justify and explain. One where every next day is a thrill!
Everything happens on time