Is consistency the key to success? Is being flexible, adaptive and evolving something and somehow worse? Yes, you're going to say spheres, fields and degrees. Right now, I can't think of anything that would convince me of the upside of stagnation, rigidity, conservatism and the like. Although... if it's about all the same things - love, feelings, faith, sincerity, caring, kindness.
© "in that the everyday will become bland
is that everything together will seem boring.
Be honest, even your favorite candy, you eat too much of it and you get nauseous.
is that he just doesn't dare to leave.
how can you dream of what you already have?
very unbelievable, you're handy, he's lazy"...".
But no! Relationships are even harder, because you're constrained by everyday life and only 24 hours in a day.
And the original thought was about beliefs, the decisions you make, the words you give and promise yourself, the principles you adhere to and the truth you do not deviate from. Where's the sincerity in that? Black will never become white, and the kiss and embrace of your dear person repulsive, if you are sincere, not hiding your humanity under the veil of formalities, norms and rules. Humanity...hundreds of thousands of mistakes, tears, halting, pain and laughter. "Genuineness" that is not shaped by gender, age, education and "should(s)".
To err, to change, to refuse, to reconsider, to try and again in a circle... second chances, twentieth attempts and again "I'm sorry", again "I forgive". © And I'm sick of all the "I forgive". Is this the way? The way to die alone like this, waiting for the one/someone? It's great when either path starts from scratch so you don't have to go back to the starting line. It's even better when both see the finish line and only one road as they look in the same direction. Even better when they help each other by slowing down or speeding up to synchronize their movements. Even better when they are both ready to turn... at the same time, even if they are slowing down.
He needs rules, order, conviction, principles, pedantry and a commitment to guarantee his words. You need to know you have it all! © "When I had everything and I didn't know it."
We are in too much of a hurry and somehow overestimate our workload. What we have to deal with and how our body works is shocking. We get tired of waiting for the green signal of the traffic light and exhausted by the labor week (only 5 days, only 40 hours) complain for the right to rest. Only hard work guarantees results. Each new attempt only makes you stronger. Each new attempt makes you a greater professional in your relationship building endeavor, somehow guaranteeing you an expert result. Don't give up! Just do it! #JustDoItSimple