The problems of the past and the present... this is a colossal difference. Today, if not the first, then the second is looking for a way to distinguish themselves, to be successful, fashionable and... visible. Not to live, but to shine. And, of course, understanding that life with its limited not only resources, but also opportunities... simply to live is the height of desire.
I am constantly concerned about progress... the development of man from minimal to super-abilities. Man is a unique substance, a set of incomprehensible complexity of connections and... a disease that will sooner or later outlive itself.
What is needed to be happy? I wanted to talk about this separately... not now. Now about what is tender, to exist in harmony and comfort. Only all this is too subjective, as is harmony, and comfort... alas, for everyone it is different, as for each time - its own.
Does everything really depend on us? Is it really worth starting with less? What next? It is amazing how much a person's participation in his own life is reduced to a minimum... on the one hand. On the other hand... more and more depends only on his desire.
What do you want? Is it really entirely up to you?
The film #Дылда is one of those that seriously "rosin" the brain.... I wanted to make a kind of selection of such Russian films: cargo 200, fool, etc. I would give 4 out of 10 to this work. It is simply difficult for me to judge those years when life was different. I am not able to understand the problems and difficulties of that time, but... but the ability of a person to survive in that time amazes me.
I watched almost 3 or half of the movie. Interesting, yes. But sooooo boring.