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Ilya Anisimov
Front-end Development
Soft/Hard Repair
  • City:
  • Age:
    40 years
  • Education:
  • Family:
  • Kids:
Microsoft 365
  • Personnel management
  • Staff training
  • Sales techniques
  • Cash discipline
  • Inventory

Principles and Uncertainties


Beliefs, principles and behavioral habits. We are born, grow up and are formed as individuals in a society, in an environment that partly sets "its own rules" for us. In my opinion, the deepest convictions and principles are worthy of respect if they are unconditional and exceptional. Even then it is a question of evaluation and formal correctness.

How powerful is a man with principles - a man who commands respect and a kind of authority. A man who sees no limits to his beliefs. A man who can protect, defend, and take what's his. And today we tend to change, and what's more... to be frank - not to have an unambiguous and uncompromising position. We tend to allow for lapses, inaccuracies and variations of interpretation. Doesn't that mean that we simply don't have a position?

No, we have a position. But along with it we have a lot of alternatives, a list of which appears as soon as there is a difficulty, conflict of interests and dissatisfaction. Abandoning a position in favor of choosing the best option (the easy one) is a lack of conviction. "After all, nothing will happen if I..." - This is the argument many people tend to use to justify their inaction and/or alternative choice.

As recently as a year ago, #No ChoiceNoDo motivated the hell out of me. And now, back in the flow, one begins to go adrift once again. Life presents chances and options, putting "checkboxes" along the way that you can pass by as you normally would, going with the flow. Or you can turn a little to the side and touch this "flag" and get your reward, whatever it may be.

Today is not the first such "checkbox" encountered in my path. And, I'm back to #No ChoiceDoNotDo.


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