Does everything have an end? People are the same to the point of madness... and these are not just my words. Kurbatov assured his readers of that. But then why are their behavior and attitudes so different?
If someone remembers in passing about your acquaintance who lives in another country and works in a specialty. Then someone doesn't even bother to remember your health. It is just amazing how different the poles of these seemingly not the most significant events in life are.
It's interesting how people have dialogues. It so happened that someone gave my e-mail address when registering on a dating site. Then I get an email notification about a new message in the correspondence. Clicking on the link I opened a random dialog. People exchange phrases of one or two words, and pretty soon, after going through a meager set of question-stamps, the dialog stops. A wait-and-see attitude on both sides is clearly becoming something of a normal phenomenon. Who should entertain, surprise, charm and find endlessly original questions for whom?
And if at the beginning of your communication you spend several hours in silence, meeting the dawn... talk for hours about everything, when suddenly it's time to get up for work. When dozens of completely unrelated topics arise in an instant and your brain has no time to switch and your lips can't procrastinate... That minute to brainstorm "What, Where, When" discussions seems like child's play. It's possible! It happens! Only if that's where it starts.
But where does this intertwined interest in each other go? This desire to share emotions and thoughts... This seemingly peak mutual understanding... And if it doesn't go away, does it have some kind of warranty period? Or is there a black night after a bright day? Perhaps my theorem about the rise and fall on the scale of mood works here too? A plus will be followed by a minus with the same force pushing down your mood from the zero mark.
It's polar day... in the hands of two people with an endless number of opportunities to keep the darkness out. Stay close to the bright, to the sun... by holding hands.