It's inexplicably great to learn new things. As amazing as snow at +24 °C. This "new" is not only about you, events, people's activities, but also about ourselves. To find something new in ourselves... To notice how something once impossible becomes ordinary, habitual. Difficult things become simple and easy.
But the coolest "new" thing is that emotion, that feeling you never thought of before. Something that goes beyond better/worse. Something that happens to you for the first time emotionally, physically... It's so great to know and remember those sensations, when you tell others about the source of which you get a mute question on your face. 🤨 In doing so, it's like you're going back in body and soul to that moment, describing your inner vibrations. 🤤
Step away from the familiar and normal. Try new things! Isn't this an opportunity to better yourself?