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Ilya Anisimov
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    41 years old
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Habits. Good or bad?


И о качестве я говорил и о технике… А сейчас при выборе темы почему-то вдруг задумался о “привычках”. Хорошо это или плохо? Хм… хотя и об этом, кажется, я тоже рассуждал когда-то… когда-то давно.

Да, всё же рассуждал и моё мнение не изменилось, если отбросить лирику, воду и поиски истин, взгляды со всевозможных сторон, то да… Да, привычка – плохо. Это определённый ступор, граница или планка, рубеж, через который ты не хочешь переступать в силу ряда причин. Это “прекрасная” отмазка, – “Я так привык”, которая не даёт тебе развиваться.

However, there are also a lot of useful habits, which for others are just a limit of desires, which still can not be realized, referring to the same habits, which, allegedly, do not give the opportunity to realize the planned ... time is not enough.... aha ... But, agree, most often the connotation of the word "habit" is somewhat gray and is increasingly perceived from the negative side. But if we touch upon not only harmful and useful habits, but talk about something more extensive, say, I am used to living comfortably. Is that bad or good? Yeah, yeah, like two sides of a coin. Sort of like living in comfort - not developing, deliberately depriving yourself of complexities and problems. But! Living in a social and fast-developing world, we somehow encounter complexities and problems, even indirectly and even when there is little that depends on us.

A habit, a tradition, a date, a sign, a mark, a memory... Why and why do we single out something "meaningful" to us? Hmmm....always been an opponent of habits and here's what I remembered. When asked, "Why don't you buy one?" my response has always been, "I don't want another habit to add to my life. I already have to eat, breathe, sleep." A habit is a kind of weight that gets in the way and holds you down. Giving up any kind of habit is the easiest way to gain freedom, learning about the world through unfamiliar ways, gaining new knowledge.

Сделай сегодня что-то привычное иным образом, максимально не похожим на то, как привычно делал это раньше.

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