And you know, if you put the right acceleration in the right direction, something amazing can happen. Man has no limits! What am I talking about?! Remember (well, or google) the world record in the 100 meter dash from, say, 1988. And what is it today?
Oh-yes...there is no limit to perfection! True desire creates the unbelievable! And who creates that desire? A woman, of course! She rules the situation. When he is the miner (something from the Stone Age), she is the manager (manager, alas, a distorted definition nowadays).
He can do anything. You want it all. All that's left is to set up and synchronize the flows... and then what? That's where my #StartYourself comes in. When this area of "deficit" is closed, he and she both change in value in your eyes.
Both you and he/she want only one thing - something that he/she cannot get with money, labor or time. This cruel but very serious question - "and then what?"... ask yourself this question until it is the last one - and then only death. And when you are able to say it consciously, it means you have understood life!
To understand life in the midst of life, as I see it, is absolutely impossible! So make the most of it while it belongs to you.