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Ilya Anisimov
Front-end Development
Soft/Hard Repair
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  • Age:
    41 years old
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Microsoft 365
  • Personnel management
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  • Sales techniques
  • Cash discipline
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Meaningless work and space


What are we doing with you? And indeed, how much meaningless work actually still exists. Even more remains behind the scenes and in the "credits" after the bright and favorable-looking "protagonist".

Doctors, engineers, factories and plants are part of those who really do the right thing. Necessary things that a person cannot do for himself and for himself.

Mankind is drowning themselves, a beautiful and happy life. Police/security, salesmen and accountants would not be needed in the world if mankind got rid of just one of the vices.

I am insanely depressed about the situation in the country. I feel down and suffocated by injustice. I want to be on a desert island or in space, where there is nothing and no one. In a world where there are no enemies, power and escalation and there is only one law - life!

Cosmos ... Today I heard a phrase that will help me hang on and on. But now about space and what I mentioned at the beginning - heroes in titles and colorful covers. Gagarin! This is an amazing event that has no equal. It's a lightening and a breakthrough. But! Sergei Pavlovich Korolev's name is not even in the credits.

It is scary to realize how degraded man is and the degree of degradation of society is becoming more and more evident. © "Survive, Don't get embittered, Don't be disappointed in life, Don't stop dreaming" are the very words spoken about Sergey Pavlovich Korolev that will give me the strength to stay true to my beliefs and views.


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