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Ilya Anisimov
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Changing base


Each new day holds strength, knowledge, skills, experience and possibilities. Yesterday will never be yesterday, but we have never been as close to the future as we are this second, because in one more second, the future will come.

When your vector is set in the direction of growth, every step backward is a fall! Then #NoAbilityToNotDo becomes a certain base, something that is unconditional and has no evaluation, not even weight. Putting on clothes when going outside - good/bad/strong/weak? It is a basic thing that is considered natural.

he bags up my stuff and puts it on the doorstep.
he has nothing for me, I have a lot for him.
I'm asking him to hang on, hope and mend,
If we live to see spring, he'll have a little something for me.

the snow ends with a scream, can't remember which one,
Sunday empty, overdrawn, unforgiven,
I'm begging him to give us a chance.
and watch another year of him honestly not liking me.

after crying for a hundred nights, I leave them in a blanket.
and silently get up and dress without a word,
disappearing at dawn, waiting for no miracle,
I'm so tired, I don't think I want to do this.

I meet a boy, he looks at me and melts,
adores, loves, and every comma.
I can barely manage, am I a victim or a killer?
I'm trying, I'm trying... and I can't fall in love.

he'll be gone in two, it'll be insanely hard,
burnt to a crisp, burned out, almost dead,
I'll look at the doorway: somewhere in here my childhood died,
around here somewhere, darling.
I hear you.

© Lou Ramishvili

Every new day changes your "base". #I don'tWantTak is too subjective a concept, when tomorrow you repeat exactly the words and actions that once responded to you with a storm of anger or resistance. Your "base" is new! Today you think differently, value certain facts differently.

Changing and progressing your base is wonderful! I'm a #choosingPersonAndNoCircumstances maybe you will understand me someday too.


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