Night and two, holding hands... Walks not necessarily in motion... Just standing. Just watching the sunset... Not needing his words or actions. Not needing her outfits or culinary masterpieces. Just rain... which will wash away the sediment from troubles, misunderstandings and insults. And then sleep, when the two of them fall asleep and suddenly find that path that shines with bright light.
I have a dream
Anton Lavrentiev
About how a dream is dreamed
How two in the same rain walk into inevitability
It's pouring down like a wall
on roofs and words
On the parapet above the Moscow River
On cellophane rules and tenderness
They are standing, I am sleeping
Hand lies in hand
Neither tomorrow nor yesterday
Confused children
I can hardly make out the whispers on their lips
There is no escape from sleep
Even under the threat of death
Three dots and a dash
The whole world is under surveillance
They are standing together
As if frozen in amber
I am pouring rain
I try to reach everyone with rain
So that at least in someone
wake up for a break.
But the dream goes on
His running is not heard
An organ hums from the drainpipes
And under his canon it is so easy to forget
That rain is just a dream
And I sleep myself...
Find your place to reboot!