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Ilya Anisimov
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Summer in my heart


For the first time, #Here and #Through Me is feeling the reluctance to let go of this summer. It's amazing, it's delightful and awesome!!!! Even two hours of sleep and you are full of energy, awake and ready for new routes, emotions, challenges and impressions. I managed to reformat my life, which was so rigid, into something that is still going on today! I don't want to stop... alas, everything has a price. In my case - "emotional badun" and developed dependence on the "effect of novelty". And also the thirst for more and more "wow-effect" and here, apparently, you begin to understand a certain category of citizens.

When summer is over, don't be sad:
It's the right thing to do, it's the way it should be.
I'll keep it in my chest,
And when the snow drifts,

I'm gonna tap my heart to the sound of the waves.
The most joyous sound in the world,
My hair reminds me of ears of silk,
And with my eyelashes, the summer wind.

When summer's over, have fun
And greet the blizzards with laughter.
The sun's rays are woven into my tresses,
To keep you warm until April.

August will soon be over, so be it
Burns out in the sunset light.
I'm not afraid of winter or the cold.

You're with me, which means forever summer. ?

© Tonya Kuzmich

Fortunately, the case is not mine at all. Fortunately, there are and have remained my principles. ©" But I'm happy I didn't swerve." Is it always necessary to sacrifice? When the choice is between two, the only right choice is the third! And summer is not just a season. Summer is a state of the body, of the soul! ??


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