Time to summarize the first month of summer. Well... moods changed like the weather, news appeared like the sun from behind clouds and clouds. Desires blossomed, rain poured down on my soul. Everything, like after an earthquake, cannot settle down and continues to oscillate from side to side, reducing the strength of these oscillations.
Hmm... only I, until yesterday, saw my mood and state in the cyclic form of a cosine wave. And now more and more often I catch myself thinking that I get hung up on events, the logic and physics of which I can't explain to myself.
Nothing is eternal, no matter how it sounds... but the fluctuations will stop sooner or later. You have to breathe deeper and open yourself to the sun.
Рубрика: Мысли
Илья, а у тебя когда-нибудь бывало радостное настроение ? Ну, так, чтобы “Вау, солнце. Люди.Цветы. Горы. Снег. Собака. Я счастлив.” Или только меланхолия? Или это образ этакого современного Пьеро?