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Ilya Anisimov
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Learning a language without books


Let's talk. To this day, the fact of learning a language (speech) without books and illustrations remains amazing to me. Not only to repeat what you hear, but to understand what you say. An infant of 2 years of age pronounces the first letters by putting a word together. Next - more. And begins to make sentences that have structure and purpose. To understand and speak Russian fluently is something incredible. Water pours from the faucet, runs from the faucet, flows from the faucet. Try explaining the difference to, say, a Swede.

Writing is another incredible invention that has made it possible to preserve for us the thoughts of the geniuses of past centuries. The masterpieces, discoveries and other works of authors of those times have been preserved thanks to another form of speech - writing. The spoken word evaporates in a second. The written word, on the other hand, remains forever. And it is much easier to find the truth in the context of writing than to recognize intonation, to smell sarcasm and buffoonery.

Fast time requires quick decisions, quick conclusions and quick things to do. Yes, yes, robots are working for us, and we have less and less time. What about talking? After walking the next ten thousand steps, you lay down on the bed, put your feet on the wall, hold hands and ... start to rest. Having closed your eyes, tired for the time spent at the computer or at work from the bright light of lamps, you decided to parse into quotations another book, where today, say, will touch the topic of naming. Discussing controversial points, you come to a common denominator, and if not (it is sometimes even for the best), you clearly notice the position, image, perception and understanding of the picture of affairs of another person. Extremely interesting! It is extremely interesting to have an opinion different from yours. It takes place. And what's the profit, what's the effect of #Self's ability to understand and see the exact same image that was in the other's eyes. Wow! It breaks down any walls in the mind.

Tomorrow we'll break down a new movie, and the day after that we'll get into a discussion with the authors of the podcast. Every new dialog, argument and discussion is rooted in each other. And then there's writing, which we can't forget. How long have you been writing paper letters? With a pen or a pencil. It's different words. It's a different emotion. Writing is more and more "combed over", having a turnover. Like a glass of exquisite...having a unique charm. And if you know each other, you'll understand the flavor of writing where there is no intonation or look. Your test of each other)

You can't rule out and choose one thing over another. Mix, multiply forms, types, regularity, volumes and formats. Ask your question in your notebook and give it an answer. Add his/her co-author and read the co-author's answer. Think about it. Visualize. Put yourself in the person's shoes. Draw conclusions. Do it!


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