There was a popular saying in my childhood: "If you suffer long enough, you will get something". But now I think differently. All tortures are artificially created situations in order not to be bored. To feel sorry for yourself, to find excuses or it's just some fears... of the past. But as they say, thought is material. And they also say that the past should be let go, forget and do not think about it. By the way, these are the words of not the most ordinary, but really famous and intelligent people.
Overcast evening, no sun in the afternoon.
Thoughts go out, this world we will bend.
It's been a relief to be around
That person who loves you.Is the picture of "tomorrow" already visible now?
© Ilyukhin
So there's plenty of chances and it's not a farce.
To build, to break and to rebuild
One must experience everything to live happily!
But is it not necessary to analyze the past? How else can we understand the reasons for mistakes? Were they mistakes? Maybe it's a fiction, an artificial obstacle?! How much one must believe in one's own strength to be sure of tomorrow and the correctness of one's step. Although I myself have written about the importance of desire... One can be absolutely sure of the rightness of one's choice or step only for one argument that overrides all counterarguments - "I wanted it that way"!