Sugar is strangely bitter. These words from the song are very suitable as an epigraph to the thoughts that were forming in my head while watching the TV series "Psycho". And yes... Russian, and yes the series. Not peculiar to me, but the fact remains. Looking ahead, I want to say that the ending added a point to the final evaluation - 7 out of 10.
Now to the point and to the point. Regardless of status, position, social standing, and rank/rank, we ... er, uh, people tend to "appear". I feel like I've discussed this topic before, yet it remains and continues to be a hot topic. To seem, not to be... Still, the height of coolness and respectability is to be yourself from start to finish. #How To Be!
Apparently that's not possible in the real world. Why not? We depend on people, circumstances, habits and other factors. And why? The answer is not so obvious here. I got these two cool questions from the book "Happy by choice", although some time earlier I was told about them by a beautiful girl. And yet, why? Everything, in my opinion, is very individual, because someone in this addiction is looking for protection. Someone the opportunity to shift responsibility, and the other because of low self-esteem - a part of himself. Unfortunately... or fortunately, the formula doesn't work here either. None of the many formulas works. There is no universal way to be happy, rich, smart and talented.
The beauty and top of power, success, honor, respect and other regalia is to be able to be yourself - not to play, not to seem, not to choose.