Yes, everything gets boring. One way or another. Sooner or later. It becomes insufficient, it becomes boring, and the result is the same. Fading away! Melting away! Evaporating! Will you object? But remember your story. That very moment when you understand – that’s it, enough. And even if that didn’t happen, you just break down and scream, cry and throw up your hands. But what about that love, in which so many vows, passions, nights of love and kisses were invested? Are you asking for more? Does he give less? Are you not getting enough words, flowers, care, attention? Does he miss your beauty, hot and constantly new dinners, something new in bed? You suddenly decided to “strengthen” what had already cracked somewhere and sometime… With what? No – with whom… But why?
Why are you compromising yourself? Why are you building something that you will have to strengthen, and at such a price? You will not be able to live in a broken state... happily, for sure. Nothing can stand on the awareness of being a "good person". Alas... something more, and at the same time something absolutely tiny and simple. This is what welds hearts. Not to see flaws, and if you do see them, then adore each of them... No! It is precisely "seeing" not "noticing". Extremely different things! Not just not to strain, but to complement... to the point of absurdity, no matter what it costs.
that all this is a temporary phenomenon,
and ahead lies despair and regret
that inspiration does not come to those who savor everyday lifethat the everyday will become bland
is that everything together will seem boring.
Be honest, even your favorite candy, you eat too much of it and you get that he just doesn't dare to leave.
how can you dream of what you already have?
I find it hard to believe, you are convenient, he is lazythe fact that your children are, in general, unwanted,
and the only joys are the kitchen and sofa ones
take all this negativity for grantedthat this is unfortunately inevitable
It is impossible to be tender with each other forever
I'm still wrong
set it on fire and it burns againlearn to listen and hear your neighbor
© Maria Gusarova.
and walk around the house in the lower level more often
live, don't try to survive
and love, and don't pretend.
Too small, thin, colorless, tasteless, smellless. Weightless…. and without a price – you can’t buy it. You can’t return it, exchange it, or look at it from others. And yes, maybe it’s unique only for you… or maybe it’s unique only for you. But it’s up to you to decide in whose hands it will be. And there will be a moment when you both will call it yours… your name!