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Ilya Anisimov
Front-end Development
Soft/Hard Repair
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  • Age:
    41 years old
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Microsoft 365
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Natural beauty


You're dressed for the job? Yes, no matter how you look at it! There is a category of people who try, if not to decorate, then to distinguish themselves against the background of others, by means of accessories and / or clothes...)))) or lack thereof. )))) or lack thereof.

Short skirts, capron socks and deep cleavage or a bra that clearly outlines the upper border of the cup, which leads to a fiasco, conceived plan... But no, not only the female gender is famous for such strategies. If they use their body as a weapon, though not always objectively pretty, the male part of that category resorts to accessories that often look simply comical: a thick gold chain on top of a T-shirt, a crumpled Bechaha with a rotten muffler, a ring on the middle finger... Attributes that will attract, except for an equally intelligent audience. Except that the likes of himself will buy replicas and cheap ponte. Then why?

Nature does the best job of beautifying itself. That's it! It's a real # autumn outside. ((( And here is such a frame, often thought up scripturally, nature somehow realizes in a special way. And she does it not for someone and not with some purpose, but because she is permanently beautiful!

To the question of "embellishments". The best, as I tried to convey, would be naturalness, in my opinion. Tidiness, well-groomed hair and nails, soft hands and an even complexion, a clear look without bags over the eyes, clean and calm clothes, a faint scent of toilet water - the perfect picture.


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