Should, must. Flattery, praise... Much of what we wish for remains unnoticed, and in some cases is perceived, but only as a matter of course, and with the connotation of "what's the big deal"... not a super-result - it means an ordinary thing that does not deserve praise.
This situation, like any other, has two sides. Some people don't notice what they have done, others don't do more, considering the basic to be something more. If what I said above smacks of some kind of business, work sphere, then, alas, I am disappointed - it happens at home too, which is much sadder in reality.
Have you ever had a situation where you are not noticed at home? Washed dishes, clean floors and a tidy apartment? Has it ever happened that suddenly your responsibility became something... suddenly! Yes, you suddenly became responsible for cleaning and, say, cooking. Or at work, you suddenly became a designer, marketer or IT guy. Yes, yes, this functionality with tasks became suddenly yours, for the non-fulfillment of which you get suddenly reproaches. No, not thanks for your help, not incentives and bonuses, but complaints, reprimands and reprimands.
Life, as well as many things in it that are related to human beings, lends itself to the rules of marketing, philosophy and emotions... You can use them, but it is better to just remain a human being and do good, not for something or even in spite of it. Do good and help people because you want to!
I was fortunate enough to experience both. I finally felt that I was needed, useful and important. And that's uplifting and positive. It's energizing and keeps me moving forward. It unlocks potential and makes you think more globally, faster and more creatively. It feels great to achieve a result that you are personally satisfied with. I'm just being honest with myself. And each of us does not know the limits of what is possible when we know the power of our desire.
Another statement that I want to put under "©" - Because I want to. Do what you love, help and do good because you want to do it, regardless of the evaluation and opinion of your surroundings. Remain yourself!