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Ilya Anisimov
Front-end Development
Soft/Hard Repair
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  • Age:
    41 год
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Microsoft 365
  • Personnel management
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Honesty in relationships


People to people. People to people... who do you see in front of you and how quickly do you understand your attitude towards them? Whether it seems so, or maybe it really is so - depends on the person opposite you. Still, you form your opinion based on the sensations that the person sitting opposite you gives. You will most likely be able to open up to him, having felt his step first.

A wonderful person with whom it is very easy and free to be around. You feel that your boundaries are not violated and at the same time you can boldly take a step forward, without fear and hesitation. You really have to dig to find a flaw, a shortcoming, a stone that will not let you say - perfect. Yes, but ... you always want more. We all deserve more. Bigger, better ... Undoubtedly! But why do we suddenly return to the past? How honest and not mean is this in relation to the object? I am sure that if you realized such an approach to yourself from his (her) side, you would not be happy. And the first reflexive response would be isolation. The next - the feeling that you are being used. The result - a complete lack of trust.

Ok, we understand the result, but what is the root cause? Is it only self-esteem, egoism or.... I remember an economics lesson, a school program. Maybe the root cause is lost profit? I want everything at once, the maximum of what is offered and possible. And I myself have more than once derived the expression “there is always better” as an axiom, which is unified in application. At the same time, we must not forget such a well-known phraseological unit of Voltaire: “the best is the enemy of the good.”

So what's the bottom line? More precisely, what's the moral? The moral is that you will have to answer not only for your words, but also for your actions, for your decisions, for your choices. It's better to do this honestly and openly, admitting a mistake or a desire to choose the best... Which, by the way, is absolutely normal and natural. I doubt that anyone wishes harm on themselves. Sincerity can only be relied upon with sincerity.


Рубрика: МыслиМетки:
  • Natalia

    Nice photo

    22:07 16.06.2021 Reply
  • Raging You???

    I'll butt in... About my favorite "the best is the enemy of the good", it's not Voltaire. Although, of course, it is attributed to him). And yes, the meaning of the phrase is not immediately clear, but with the accumulation of life experience, the realization of its truth gradually comes. If you did something well, then do not try to do it even better - so to speak, "for the sake of betterness", otherwise you risk ruining everything. Although, why not. If you have thoughts about choosing a good or the best (if we are talking about a person), definitely, the choice is obvious. We always want the best, a person, life, work, adventures. The question is in the criteria and prices/values. Something like that)))) P.S.: yesssss, a photo? Are you finally smiling?

    12:07 17.06.2021 Reply
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